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Listen to what real people, just like you, are saying about their experience with the HUG Plan.

These folks all generously volunteered to share their experience in the hopes of helping others feel less alone and find a solution to feeling stressed about money.

LOVE seeing the progress. Such a good feeling!!

Entered new payment into portal. It ended up being last thing to be paid!!  Super excited another card will paid off beginning April. Then on to next.

LOVE seeing the progress. Such a good feeling!!

Thanks again for everything

Sue B.

Truly be comfortable with money

I wish to take this opportunity to thank you for teaching me to lower my debt and to truly be comfortable with money and being able to manage it without freaking out. A very valuable body of knowledge! I think everyone should utilize your services.

Thank you so much for your calm, lack of judgment approach. I left your office that day feeling very confident about money and all it’s potential pitfalls as well as its benefits.

Thank you so much,

Carol M.

PS: loved your book!

The dragon is slain

We killed off our debt in June! I've been pinching myself since then, but, even as things come and go, we are on an upward trajectory and now able to save more than simply to have a cash reserve. It is remarkable that given how hard it is for me to forecast my earnings, everything happened on the schedule that was pegged 3 years ago,or whenever that was. I think initially it was March, but some changes knocked it back to October, and then we did it in June.

The next phase is to learn how to build wealth.

Thank you for teaching us how the game is played. Jackie and I first talked to you sometime between 2010 and 2013. We were quite underwater then, and we weren't sure that he program could even help us. You have really contributed to us getting level. And now to build!

- Jackie and Richard

He gets SO stressed about money

Kevin felt the weight of managing the household finances. He was doing OK, but really stressed about money. When Shannon suggested our coaching plan he resisted at first. Listen to their personal experience about managing money as a couple.

That’s pretty amazing!

As a life coach Leah never intended to get into debt, but then the recession hit. Trying to pay as much as possible she felt frustrated and discouraged. Now her debt load is $50,000 lighter in just 3 years.

I just want a pretty house

When Tim was laid off, he and Helen were really struggling. They needed help, and a plan.

Ray from South Deerfield

Ray is a police officer and Megan and Hannah’s Dad. Both daughter’s in college simultaneously. Ray was a great saver but facing $80,000 in college costs in addition to his own obligations.

A light at the end of the tunnel

Ethel thought debt was “a forever kind of thing – paralyzing.”

'Till debt us do part

Wendy and David were merging their finances and their lives. With an age difference and different attitudes about money the sought the help of a third-party coach. Now, they’re happily married AND debt free!

Kristie F. from Hawley

Kristie is a business owner, entrepreneur, and a careful consumer with zero credit card debt. She’s saving over $200,000 on mortgages alone.

Ray from South Deerfield part II

Touring colleges this dad says parents looked terrified. With 2 kids in college, Ray thought he’d never be able to retire.

Freddie from Greenfield

A self-described “regular working guy” Freddie is a truck drive who took action when he heard an ad on the radio.

Joel from Colrain

Joel says being in debt made him feel like a “hamster in a wheel.”

My student debt was starting to stress me out

Out of student debt, car debt, credit cards --everything in 8 years -- and saved about $75,000 in interest.

"Bankruptcy laws allow companies to smoothly reorganize, but not college graduates burdened by student loans."
– Robert Reich
The road to success is always under construction
– Lily Tomlin
“What I would like to do... once I take care of all my kids' student loans, is buy a red 1965 Mustang and fully restore it.”
– Mike Quigley
"If we don't change direction soon, we'll end up where we're going."
– Irwin "Professor" Corey
“This would be a much better world if more married couples were as deeply in love as they are in debt.”
– Earl Wilson
"There is scarcely anything that drags a person down like debt."
– P. T. Barnum
"Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood."
– Marie Curie