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Heavy Student Loan Debt Forces Many Millennials To Delay Buying Homes

Student loan debt in the United States has more than doubled over the past decade to about $1.5 trillion, and the Federal Reserve now estimates that it is cutting into millennials' ability to buy homes.

Homeownership rates for people ages 24 to 32 dropped nearly 9 percentage points between 2005 and 2014 — effectively driving down homeownership rates overall. In January, the Fed estimated 20 percent of that decline is attributable to student loan debt.

U.S. Student Debt in ‘Serious Delinquency’ Tops $166 Billion

Student-loan delinquencies surged last year, hitting consecutive records of $166.3 billion in the third quarter and $166.4 billion in the fourth.

Bloomberg calculated the dollar amounts from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York’s quarterly household-debt report, which includes only the total owed and the percentage delinquent at least 90 days or in default.

That percentage has remained around 11 percent since mid-2012, but the total increased to a record $1.46 trillion by December 2018, and unpaid student debt also rose to the highest ever.

The Investigators: Government finds deadbeat doctors defaulting on student loans

NEW YORK (WABC) -- The government calls them deadbeat, local doctors and dentists living a life of luxury despite owing millions in student loans.

Many of the loans are from decades ago, but still haven't been paid back, hurting you the taxpayer.

They live in fancy houses, drive expensive cars, and according to the government, owe taxpayers hundreds of thousands of dollars.

"You owe almost $700,000?" Eyewitness News Investigative Reporter Jim Hoffer said.

We Must Cancel Everyone ’ s Student Debt, for the Economy ’ s Sake

Late last year, congressional Republicans passed a $1.5 trillion tax cut, which delivered the lion’s share of its benefits to the wealthy and corporations. The GOP did not justify this policy on the grounds that all corporate shareholders and trust-fund hipsters deserved to have their wealth increased. Rather, the party argued that, however one felt about making the rich richer, the tax cuts would ultimately benefit all Americans by increasing economic growth and lowering unemployment.

My kids are worth how much? These are the special tax breaks for parents

Love & Money is a MarketWatch serieslooking at how our relationship with money impacts our relationships with signicant others, friends and family. Most parents wouldn’ttrade the experience of raising children for anything in the world.If only it weren’t so darn expensive. Between the medical bills, child care and college tuition, it’s a wonder parenting hasn’t gone theway ofthewet nurse. Fortunately,the government offers some fairly generous tax breaks to help ease the financial burden.

Hampshire College's state of flux concerns Amherst town manager

AMHERST - Town Manager Paul Bockelman is concerned about Hampshire College's uncertain future - and not just because he is an alumnus.

In his most recent report to the Town Council, a document that routinely discusses myriad issues in the community, Bockelman included a statement about Hampshire, which recently announced it would not accept student applicants for the coming fall semester.

"With 648 acres of land, Hampshire is a major landholder in the Town and with approximately 400 full-time and 50 part-time employees, one of our largest employers," Bockelman wrote.

You'll Never Guess the Latest Victims of the Student Loan Crisis

Most debt you can get out of—painful as it might be. Credit card debt can be

cleared in bankruptcy. A mortgage can end in foreclosure. But student debt is

more sticky, and it turns out it can have big consequences in retirement.

Renold Zergat—Getty Images

2/20/2019 Retirement & Student Loans: Student Loan Crisis Affects Retirement Savings | Money

Why Senior Student Loan Debt Is More Complicated

With more sources of debt and fewer repayment options, seniors are nowthe fastest-growing age group for student

loan debt.

We’ve all heard about the dire straits today’s college students face

upon graduation: tens of thousands of dollars in student loan debt that

they may never be able to fully repay. But what about senior citizens?

The truth is, Americans aged 60 and over are in a financial situation

just as alarming.

According to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, by the end of

Student loan debt: Why employers may want to help payoff college loans

Employers eager to recruit and retain skilled workers in a tight labor

market have about 1.34 trillion reasons to expand their benefits

package to include assistance in helping employees repay their

student loans.

New work perk: Paying off student

loans  2:52 PM ET Thu, 14 July 2016 | 01:53


2/18/2019 Student loan debt: Whyemployers maywant to help payoff college loans

There's a new way to instantly boost your credit score

A new credit assessment program could help millions of Americans instantly improve their credit scores, simply by adding data from their checking account.

Consumers who choose to use Experian Boost (an online platform set to launch early this year) give the company permission to access their online banking accounts to look at utility, cable TV and phone payments for the past 24 months. The entire process should take about five minutes and the updated FICO score is delivered to the potential lender instantly.


"There is scarcely anything that drags a person down like debt."
– P. T. Barnum
“This would be a much better world if more married couples were as deeply in love as they are in debt.”
– Earl Wilson
"Bankruptcy laws allow companies to smoothly reorganize, but not college graduates burdened by student loans."
– Robert Reich
The road to success is always under construction
– Lily Tomlin
“What I would like to do... once I take care of all my kids' student loans, is buy a red 1965 Mustang and fully restore it.”
– Mike Quigley
"Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood."
– Marie Curie
"If we don't change direction soon, we'll end up where we're going."
– Irwin "Professor" Corey